Resources | HR

Resources | HR

Human Resources

Our Human Resources team at the School of Human Evolution and Social Change (SHESC) consists of two dedicated members who are passionate about supporting the day-to-day operations of our dynamic academic environment. We strive to provide high-level customer service and efficient support to our staff, faculty, graduate and undergraduate students.


The Human Resources team is here to assist with all your HR needs, including payroll, benefits, leaves, retirement, time/leave reporting, and hiring.


  • We assist with all hiring needs, including Staff, Students Workers, Graduate Research/Teaching Associates, Postdoctoral Research Scholars, and Academic Professionals.

  • We assist with Affiliated Faculty appointments, including adjuncts and courtesy affiliations.

  • We are your liaison with the International Students and Scholars Center, including visa support for J-1 and H-1B requests as well as guidance on the process to obtain a green card.

  • We support payroll administration and timecard processing, ensuring accuracy and compliance with university guidelines.

Need help or have a question for the Human Resources team?  Feel free to email us at, or visit us in SHESC 204.

Meet your Human Resource team

Employment verification: ASU uses the following link for employment verification:  OHR Employment Verification Process. Additionally, if verification is required prior to the start date, contact ASU's Human Resources Employee Service Center for extra assistance.

Field trips: If you are planning a domestic field trip involving students, refer to ASU’s Field Trip Process and Procedures website for guidelines, submission of the necessary Field Trip Review form, volunteer registration requirements, and other pertinent details.

Offer letters: Offer letters are considered contracts and can only be generated out of our Human Resources office.  Before making any offers (verbal or written), be sure to consult with our Human Resources team.

Volunteers: If you plan to utilize volunteers for an event/activity, refer to ASU Risk Management’s Volunteers website for guidelines, submission of the necessary Volunteer Activity Registry and the required waiver form, as well as other pertinent details.

Faculty and research appointments

 Adjunct FacultyAffiliated FacultyOther Affiliations
(i.e. Visiting Scholar/Researcher)
Current ASU Employee?NoYesNo
Length of ServiceYear-to-YearYear-to-YearYear-to-Year
Affiliate ID (i.e. 1#########)YesYesYes
ASU EmailGmail (Outlook Exchange if requested during activation or upon request)YesGmail (Outlook Exchange upon request)
Library Privileges / Interlibrary Loans (ILL)YesYesNo
Approval RequiredPersonnel CommitteePersonnel CommitteeSchool Director
Documentation RequiredSHESC Adjunct and Affiliate Faculty Appointment Form
Candidate Letter*
Curriculum Vitae
Faculty Letter of Support*
ASU Teaching Evals (if applicable)*
SHESC Adjunct and Affiliate Faculty Appointment Form
Candidate Letter*
Curriculum Vitae*
Faculty Letter of Support*
SHESC Visiting Scholar/Researcher Affiliation Application
Faculty Sponsor (indicate via above form)
 * Docs required for new adjunct/affiliated faculty and for every 3rd renewal year. 

Per ACD 505-02, adjunct faculty appointments are unpaid, usually part-time positions for limited (not more than one year) renewable terms. Adjunct faculty are not part of the Academic Assembly. Appointments are made in order to facilitate the adjunct faculty member’s professional association with the university for the benefit of the individual and the university in such roles as supervising clinical practice students, assisting with research efforts, and occasionally teaching.

Units can request an individual be granted adjunct status through which they would receive access to various ASU services, including an ASU email account and library privileges. Adjunct appointments must adhere to SHESC bylaws, and applications are collected two times per year (November and April). Contact the Human Resources team for information on how to apply for adjunct status.

Per ACD 505-04, affiliated appointments are made to ASU faculty members and academic professionals who hold an appointment in one academic unit (the primary unit) and are invited to serve in a role in another academic unit, center, or institute (the secondary unit). Affiliated faculty or academic professionals may have governance, voting rights, and responsibilities in the affiliated unit, including eligibility to chair dissertation committees, if otherwise qualified. At the request of a tenure-eligible affiliated faculty member or a probationary affiliated academic professional, the secondary unit may provide input for probationary, tenure/continuing appointment, and promotion reviews to the unit in which tenure/continuing appointment resides. Appointments are made for a period of not more than one year and are renewable. 

Affiliated faculty appointments must adhere to SHESC bylaws, and applications are collected in Spring for appointments beginning in the next fiscal year. Contact the Human Resources team for information on how to apply for affiliated status.

The Visiting Scholars/Researcher profile an ASU affiliation which is unpaid and limited to one year at a time which can be renewed year to year with a sponsoring faculty member. Visiting Scholars/Researchers receive access to various ASU services including ASU email and library privileges. To request this type of affiliation, complete the Visiting Scholar/Researcher Affiliation Application.

If the person will have to complete any training or have a background check completed, they must be entered in Workday as a contingent worker. There are a few cases where an alternate ASU affiliation should still be used (i.e. adjunct faculty since this process is still managed by the Provost’s office). New employees will have an ASURITE/Empl ID created as part of the hire process and can be hired up to six months in advance of when the appointment commences. As part of this process, the Workday information feeds to PeopleSoft Campus Solutions and registers the new employee information there.

Hiring processes

While there is no “standard” time frame, the staff hiring process may take approximately 6 weeks from start to finish, and the student hiring process may take approximately 4 weeks.  We strive to maintain a lower average, but there are situations which could either delay or expedite the process.  Visa-related hires, for example, may take longer.

Complete the appropriate hiring form to initiate the recruitment process.  Once funding is verified, director, dean, and provost approval (if applicable) will be obtained.

Postdoctoral research scholars are individuals who have recently completed a doctoral degree and are hired in a full-time advanced academic preparation and research training under a faculty mentor's guidance.  Contact the Human Resources team for information on how recruit for a postdoctoral research scholar.  You can also visit for more information.

Staff positions encompass a range of roles including administrative services, business services, financial support, communications, and student and academic services.  These positions can be salaried/exempt or hourly/non-exempt, and they may be either full-time or part-time.  If you are in need of such a position, you can submit your request via the Staff Hiring Form.

ASU and SHESC offer a variety of employment opportunities for our students.  As indicated on ASU’s Student Employment page, the skills our students obtain from working can complement their academic performance and demonstrate to future employers their ability to succeed in a professional setting.

  • Student Hiring Form -- For hourly or stipend-based student worker hires, submit your request at least 4 weeks before the desired start date to ensure sufficient time for the hiring process.
  • Student Waiver Form -- If your position requires specialized qualifications for which you have a specific student(s) in mind, you could submit a waiver request instead, but there is no guarantee it will be approved and may still result in an official posting being required instead.

ASU and SHESC offer a variety of employment opportunities for our graduate students.  Review the Graduate College's Graduate Appointments and Assistantships site for more information, including official policies and procedures, conditions of employment, training, etc.

  • GRA/Graduate Research Associate Hiring Form
  • GSA/Graduate Services Assistant Hiring Process – The GSA hiring process is handled on a case-by-case basis by faculty request in conjunction with the Student and Academic Services team as well as the Human Resources team.  In addition, the Summer teaching-related GSA hiring process is overseen by our Associate Teaching Professor in conjunction with the aforementioned teams.  Notifications will be sent out requesting Summer teaching GSAs before each Summer term.
  • GTA/Graduate Teaching Associate Hiring Process – The TA hiring process is handled by the Director of Graduate Studies, in conjunction with the Student and Academic Services team as well as the Human Resources team.  Notifications will be sent out requesting TA availability for each term.

International/residency assistance (visas)

Visit the International Students and Scholars Center for information regarding the different visas and their requirements.  Contact the Human Resources team for assistance with J-1, H-1B, OPT, and Residency processing and to help answer any questions you may have.

Notification of consulting (pre-approval requests)

All Notifications of Consulting (NOC) must now be submitted through MyDisclosures, part of the Enterprise Research Administration (ERA) System; NOCs are referred to as PARs (Pre-Approval Requests) within the ERA. Paper submissions will no longer be accepted.

By submitting the form in MyDisclosures, faculty/academic professionals are attesting that all consulting or other outside business activities will be conducted in compliance with ACD 510-01, including submitting this form prior to beginning work, and that time spent on these activities will not exceed 312 hours per academic year or 384 hours per fiscal year. For ongoing or continuing arrangements, this form must be submitted annually. Failure to submit this form or submitting false information on this form may result in disciplinary action.

Refer to the following guides for more information:

Additional information can be found on ASU's Notification of Consulting site.

Out of state employee reporting

We are required to submit an Approval for Out-of-State Employee (OSE) Form for any ASU employee who works outside the State of Arizona.  This is critical to ensure we are fully compliant with all reporting, taxation and employment regulations of the employee’s state.

Contact the Human Resources team:

  • If you regularly work outside of Arizona – We will work with you to complete the OSE form as well as take care of the approval routing on your behalf.
  • If you move – We will work with you to submit an updated OSE form and route for approval.  Be sure to update your Profile via Workday to ensure your personal information remains current online, including your home and work locations.
  • If you typically work in Arizona but need to relocate temporarily for three months or more – This is not required for faculty on sabbatical; however, for other situations, it should be completed in any other case for proper reporting.

OSE reporting is required annually.  The Human Resources team will work with you at the beginning of every fiscal year to process a renewal of your OSE form and/or as needed during the year should any change arise.  In addition, if you need assistance on how to update your contact information, refer to the Add or edit home contact information guide in Workday.

Compensation and time reporting

Notifications will be sent during the spring semester to faculty regarding teaching, research, or other work to be performed during the summer.

  • Research or Other Non-Teaching Summer Pay – If you expect to receive full or partial summer pay from SHESC or any other unit on campus, contact Misa Pham to inform her of the details.
  • Teaching Summer Pay – The SHESC Director and The College Dean approve the summer teaching schedule.  Summer teaching offer letters will be issued once approval is received.

ASU uses the Workday HCM for time reporting and operates on a biweekly pay schedule.  Workday is a sustainable, efficient method for employees and their supervisors to review, approve, and verify that the time entered is complete and accurate.  Entries to be recorded in Workday include every hour worked for hourly staff/student employees as well as any leave time taken by all employees eligible for paid leave (hourly/non-exempt and salaried/exempt -- i.e. sick, vacation, etc, depending on eligibility).

Guides for supervisors:

Guides for employees:

All hours worked and/or leave taken must be submitted in a timely manner each pay period to ensure an employee’s paycheck is accurate.  Any time not submitted and approved by the departmental final reporting deadline (typically every other Friday) could cause pay to be delayed; reminders are sent on a weekly basis to help avoid such situations.  Subsequently, the HR team will ensure all fully approved time is processed by ASU's final 12:00 PM (noon) time administrator deadline following the end of each pay period (typically every other Monday).  The Friday/Monday reporting deadlines may be adjusted throughout the year due to holidays.

Visit the following sites for a few of ASU’s official calendars:

Benefits and leave

ASU offers a comprehensive benefits package at competitive rates to enhance the total compensation of its faculty and staff.  Employees may enroll in these benefits within 30 calendar days of hire, qualified life events or during the annual open enrollment period.  Benefits enrollment is handled through Workday.  For new employees, the enrollment process is included as part of their onboarding.  For existing employees, refer to the Workday Employee Benefits Management Guide for more details.

If you have questions regarding your benefits, including Health, Life Insurance, Disability and/or Retirement, visit ASU’s central benefits page at, or refer to the Benefit Plan Contacts.  If you do not find the answers or resolution you are looking for, contact the Human Resources team for additional support.

Contact the Human Resources team regarding any leave request (i.e. FMLA, Parental, or ASU Leave, etc).  We will work with you and ASU’s central benefits team to coordinate the formal leave process.

You can review the University’s manuals below for information on the various types of leave.

Workplace safety and compliance

Refer to the “Reporting a Job-Related Injury or Illness” website for the step-by-step process on how to report any work-related injury or illness.  Per ASU’s Workers’ Compensation process, “all ASU employees must complete the following steps within 48 hours of a job-related injury or illness.”

  • Employees:  Report any work-related injury or illness to your supervisor immediately.
  • Supervisors:  Contact the Human Resources team immediately, and work with your employee on all required documentation per the aforementioned Reporting website.

The Human Resources team will answer any questions we can and help coordinate all required incident reporting forms, medical documentation, and leave reporting with ASU’s Environmental Health and Safety team and Benefits Workers’ Compensation team.

More information can be found at and

All ASU employees, student workers and registered volunteers who drive ASU-owned, leased or rented vehicles for official university business must complete the Authorized Driver Program. Official University Business is defined in Arizona Revised Statutes §38-538.02 and Arizona Administrative Code R2-10-107.

The Authorized Driver program requirements include the following three steps:

  • Step 1: Add driver’s license information to your Workday profile
  • Step 2: Opt into the Authorized Driver program
  • Step 3: Complete the EHS Authorized Driver Training in Workday Learning

For more information, please visit the link below or refer to the helpful guide: