Association of All Graduate Students

Association of All Graduate Students

Graduate Clubs and Organizations

Build alliances, advocate and expand opportunities.

Here at the School of Human Evolution and Social Change we take our commitment to graduate students very seriously. We know that a fulfilling academic career includes a sense of community and opportunities to help shape your school's future, as well as your own. That's why we sponsor an award-winning graduate student club and offer facilities and prospects promoting student collegiality and advancement. Explore some of the options below.


Association of All Graduate Students (AAGS)

These dedicated leaders and volunteers provide a number of activities on your behalf and serve as a forum where your concerns as a graduate student can be heard. The group acts as a direct link with the school’s faculty, administration, ASU Graduate College, other ASU graduate students and our undergraduate majors, to facilitate better informed decisions regarding student life. AAGS was named the Outstanding Graduate Student Organization at the 2014-15 ASU Pitchfork Awards Ceremony and earned the ASU Hall of Fame Outstanding Graduate Student Organization award for 2010-11, so your fellow graduate student leaders are among the best on campus.

With a structure mirroring the faculty graduate committee, AAGS is registered with ASU’s Student Clubs and Organizations.

You can get involved in AAGS as a leader or simply as a more informed and engaged student:

  • Volunteer for a leadership or committee support role
  • Get to know your AAGS officers, who represent you at faculty meetings and directorate meetings
  • Serve as a mentor for new graduate students
  • Attend social events and business meetings and support fundraisers
  • Share your concerns and suggestions regarding curricula, course offerings, speakers, etc.
  • Take advantage of the bank of graduation gowns that can be rented and used by graduate students during graduation ceremonies
AAGS Officers

Executive Council

  • President: Savannah Troha
  • Vice President: Julianne Stamer
  • Secretary: Amy Reith
  • Treasurer: Shannon Roivas
  • Strategic Charter Initiatives Officer: Elie Nyembo

Approach Representatives

  • Archaeology: Patrick Fahey
  • Bioarchaeology: Vacant
  • Environmental Social Science: Ritvik Shukla
  • Evolutionary Anthropology: Maggie Hoffman
  • Global Health: Audrey Dervarics 
  • Sociocultural Anthropology: Sophie Neems

AAGS Constitution 

Graduate Lounge

The Graduate Lounge, located in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change Building, Room 111, provides a space where you can socialize or study while on campus. The lounge has tables and chairs for studying, couches for relaxing and refrigerators for food. Informal collaborative meetings are held here and although you will have key card access, the school is not responsible for the loss of any valuables left in this space.

Admitted Students’ Weekend

Each spring, the school hosts an Admitted Students’ Weekend for applicants admitted to Ph.D. programs. This is a terrific opportunity for current students to support the newcomers, and many students agree to provide transportation and housing for new students this weekend. This is the weekend when potential students often make their final decision about whether or not to attend ASU, so student advocates play a pivotal role at our formal and informal activities:

    • A graduate student mixer
    • Meetings with degree heads and approach conveners
    • Tours of the school’s many research facilities, classrooms and other locations
    • A colloquium or other guest speaker
    • A hike (Phoenix is quite beautiful in the spring)
    • A BBQ with faculty and current graduate students

The authentically warm welcome and useful information we can provide in person this weekend help these potential students understand not only the vast academic resources we offer but also experience the collegial atmosphere, sample student life and connect them immediately to other students and to the place.

Although we do not typically host individual visits, some prospective students do visit Tempe on their own accord and meet with faculty. They may often ask to speak with current students, so you may be asked on an ad hoc basis on occasion to help out in this regard. If prospective students contact you directly, please send them to our student and academic services team for the most current application information and so we can follow-up appropriately with each of them.


Town Halls

The past few years, the school has hosted Graduate Town Halls each semester, serving as an open forum for graduate students to ask questions or raise concerns directly to the school’s directorate. The Town Hall also serves as a forum for the directorate to update graduate students on important trends, policies and issues affecting your academic career, research and teaching. Your AAGS approach representative is another individual who can address your concerns and help bring them directly to the appropriate individuals.