Research Apprenticeship Program

Research Apprenticeship Program

Research Apprenticeship Program

Our Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program places undergraduate students into research apprenticeship opportunities, working with individual faculty members and their research teams on our school’s many outstanding research projects.

Any student may apply to faculty-led research projects that best suit their interests, skills and experience. Generally, research experiences are differentiated as entry level, mid level and upper level, which reflect the students’ academic level and experience working on school projects.

While ideally students work over time with the same faculty so they can grow to understand the research and become increasingly involved as a collaborator, there is also allowance for moving across projects as makes sense given changes in students' interests and changes in faculty.

Previous research apprenticeships have included the following projects (just to name a few):

  • Culture, Health and Environment Laboratory Apprenticeship
  • Treatment-Seeking Behavior for Childbirth and Childhood Illness in Highland Guatemala
  • The Role of Cultural Transmission in the Construction of Human Diseases: A Nivaclé Example
  • The Second Generation in Northwest Arkansas: Assimilation, Transnationalism and Ethnic Identity
  • Discovering the Museum Network: Analysis of the Exchange of Anthropological Museum Collections by the Smithsonian Institution
  • Developing a database of living and fossil mammal species presences in Africa to understand hominin evolution
  • Nocturnal Primate Behavior and Ecology – database management
  • Qualitative Analysis of Anglo-Saxon Art and Culture
  • Aztec Imperialism at Calixtlahuaca, Mexico
  • Anthropological Collections at ASU
  • Improving Access to and Preservation of Archaeological Information: Building tDAR Digital Archaeological Repository

Course Credit

We encourage students to earn credit for the important work they are doing. However, it is up to the lead faculty member on the research project whether or not to grant credit. Options for courses include:

ASB 499 Individualized Instruction (1-3 credits)*
ASB 484 Internship Credit (1-3 credits)*

*Credit hours are determined by a research contract between the student and the faculty mentor and relate to the number of hours per week the student devotes to the project.

Criteria for Participants

Preference will be given to students affiliated with the School of Human Evolution and Social Change, but students from all majors are encouraged to apply.

Online Students

Some apprenticeships can be completed remotely and online students are encouraged to apply. Please review the individual positions for details.

Application Process

The Undergraduate Advising Office posts a current list of open apprenticeship positions for each semester. To apply, students must submit a brief application and attach their unofficial transcript. Students may apply for multiple projects; however, a separate application must be submitted for each project.

Application and materials must be submitted by the date and time posted.


Contact Undergraduate Inquiries.

Spring 2025 Program Information

The deadline for applications is Thursday, January 2, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. MST.

Available Research Apprenticeships

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