The purpose of the Unified Anthropology Association Online at ASU (UAAO) is to connect students through digital media and social media platforms through their shared interests in anthropology along with its sub and related disciplines, to foster a network for both online and on-campus students so that physical distance is not a limiting factor, to connect students with faculty and research/field opportunities, and to keep students engaged with their peers. This shall be done through social/topic-specific/ official zoom meetings, social media posts, streamed lectures, digital group anthropology movie nights, an internal book club, a newsletter featuring writings from different members each edition, informational panels, collaboration when possible with the other chapter(s) of the Unified Anthropology Association at ASU, and more! The association shall also engage in community service, collaboration, and cohesion with underlying values of equity, inclusion, anti-racism, and decolonialism.
President: Cheyenne Barron -
Vice President of Operations & Liaison: Vacant
Vice President of Diversity & Outreach: Angela Ho -
Vice President of Communication & Design: Jonathan Hazel -