Teotihuacan Research Laboratory
In partnership with Mexico’s Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, archaeologists from Arizona State University have been conducting fieldwork at Teotihuacan for nearly 50 years. ASU is privileged to have the opportunity to manage a facility at Teotihuacan that provides a space for teams of students and researchers to study one of the largest cities in the ancient world. Unlike many archaeological sites, Teotihuacan is not buried deep under modern settlements; this gives us a unique opportunity to perform excavations and explore the lives of its residents. We recognize the importance of the past for the outcome of the future and use our discoveries at Teotihuacan to study topics relevant to modern societies, such as alternative governmental systems; how cities rise and fall; and the ways that religious and economic practices change over time.
The artifacts uncovered by ASU and its Mexican partners, the legacy of this ancient city, are housed at ASU’s Teotihuacan Research Laboratory in San Juan Teotihuacan, Edo. de México.
Featured Publication
At Home with the Aztecs
by Michael E. Smith, professor of archaeology
Winner of the Society of American Archaeology's 2017 Popular Book Award
Listen In
Hear Teotihuacan Research Laboratory director, Michael Smith, talk about ongoing research and how knowledge of ancient cities can contribute to our understanding of modern cities on an interview with KJZZ's "The Show."
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