Mission and Vision

Mission and Vision

Our Mission

At Arizona State University's School of Human Evolution and Social Change, we investigate what makes us human and use new knowledge to foster a healthier, more sustainable world. Using tools from anthropology, global health, environmental social science and museum studies, our work integrates the natural and social sciences to answer questions about the human story and inspire our students to become informed, socially responsible members of their communities.

Our Vision

Our school aims to be a leader in innovative research and teaching that impacts our generation and beyond. Our faculty and student interactions from learning and research will be measured not just in labs, classrooms and field sites, but in hospital rooms and living rooms, in rural villages and bustling cities, as students become citizens who are equipped with the knowledge and means to change the world.

Our Principles

  • In learning about others, we learn about ourselves.
  • In learning about our past and present, we find ways to shape our future.
  • By thinking beyond individual academic disciplines, we make innovation the expectation.
  • If the world is our lab, then we must give back to it with science that is ethical, tangible, accessible and beneficial for humankind.
  • Through teaching and mentorship, we empower new knowledge seekers to build a better world.