Innovation in Social Science Instruction and Training Lab

Innovation in Social Science Instruction and Training Lab

Research outcomes


Ilboudo Nébié, E., A. Wutich, H. Bernard, K. Harper, A. Crittenden, M. Beresford, L. Radonic, A. Brewis, J. Luque. A. Ruth, C. Mitchell, A. Roque, C. SturtzSreetharan, T. Rhiney. (2024). New Teaching in Participatory Methods for Practicing Anthropology. Practicing Anthropology, Summer 

Negrón, R., A. Ruth, C. SturtzSreetharan, A. Gunderson, E. Ilboudo Nébié, s. n. hussein, M. Beresford, H.R. Bernard, R. Nelson, and A. Wutich. (2024). “Lessons Learned” from Building an Inclusive, Integrated Big Tent for Methods. Practicing Anthropology 46(2): 84–87.

Negrón, R., A. Wutich, HR. Bernard, A. Brewis, A. Ruth, K. Mayfour, B. Piperata, M. Beresford, C. SturtzSreetharan, P. Mahdavi, J. Hardin, R. Zarger, K. Harper, J. Holland Jones, CC. Gravlee, & BMKJ Brayboy. (2024). Ethnographic Methods Training Norms and Practices and the Future of American Anthropology. American Anthropologist, 126(3): 458-469.

Ruth, A., M. Beresford, A. Wutich, H.R. Bernard, L. Gleason, C. SturtzSreetharan, M.V. du Bray, P. Cruz y Celis Peniche, K. Harper, K. Mayfour, O. Medina-Ramírez, M. Moghaddam, R. Negrón, R.G. Nelson, S. Renkert, A.D. Roque, & B. Yagüe. (In Press). Value Propositions Provide a Roadmap for Teaching Doctoral Students How to Develop Research Proposals: Results from the National Science Foundation Cultural Anthropology Methods Program (NSF CAMP). Teaching Anthropology, Accepted Sept. 2024

Ruth, A., M. du Bray, L. Gleason, M. Beresford, C. SturtzSreetharan, R. Negrón, A. Roque, R.G. Nelson, and A. Wutich. (2024). The New NSF CAMP Feedback Method for Research Mentorship. Practicing Anthropology, 46(2): 119–123

Ruth, A., M. Beresford, E. Ilboudo Nébié, A. Wutich, R.G. Nelson, K. Mayfour. (2024). Scaling up through Online Research Mentorship – Lessons Learned. Practicing Anthropology, 46(2): 124–127

Snodgrass, J.B., M.G. Lacy, A. Wutich, H.R. Bernard, K.S. Oths, M. Beresford, S. Bendeck, J.R. Branstrator, H.J.F. Dengah II, R.G. Nelson, A. Ruth, S.I. Sagstetter, C. SturtzSreetharan, & K. Xinyi Zhao. Deep Hanging Out, Mixed Methods Toolkit, or Something Else? Current Ethnographic Research Practices in U.S. Cultural Anthropology. Annals of Anthropological Practice, 48(1): 20-35.


Cadenas, G., E. Cantú, R. Sosa, S. Carroll, N. Lynn, B. Suro & A. Ruth. (2023). An Educational Program for Immigrant Entrepreneurship: Critical Consciousness and Cultural Strengths. The Career Development Quarterly, 74(4): 284-299.

Brewis, A. & A. Ruth. (2023). Art-based Methods for Qualitative Research with Younger Children. In The Handbook of Teaching Qualitative and Mixed Research Methods: A Step-by-Step Guide for Instructors, edited by A. Ruth, A. Wutich, and H.R. Bernard, pp. 190-193. Oxford, England: Routledge.  

Ruth, A., A. Brewis, M. Beresford & C.M. Stojanowski. (2023). Research Supervisors and Undergraduate Students’ Perceived Gains from Undergraduate Research Experiences in the Social Sciences. International Journal of Inclusive Education.

Ruth A., A. Brewis, M. Beresford, M.E. Smith, C.M. Stojanowski, C. SturtzSreetharan & A. Wutich. (2023). Lab-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (LUREs): Evidence of Effectiveness from the Social Sciences. Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research, 7(1): 43-53.

Ruth, A., A. Wutich & H.R. Bernard (Eds). (2023). The Handbook of Teaching Qualitative and Mixed Research Methods: A Step-by-Step Guide for Instructors. Oxford, England: Routledge


Beresford, M., A. Wutich, A. Brewis, M. du Bray, A. Ruth, R. Stotts & C. SturtzSreetharan. (2022). Coding Qualitative Data at Scale: Lessons Learned for Large Coder Teams Based on 18 Studies. International Journal of Qualitative Methods., A., A. Brewis, C. SturtzSreetharan, A. Wutich & C. Stojanowski. (2022). Effectiveness of Online Social Science Undergraduate Research Experiences: Exploratory Evidence. Frontiers in Education.

Ruth, A., K. Mayfour, J. Hardin, T. Sangaramoorthy, A. Wutich, HR. Bernard, A. Brewis, M. Beresford, C. SturtzSreetharan, BMKJ. Brayboy, HJF. Dengah II, CC. Gravlee, G. Guest, K. Harper, P. Mahdavi, SM. Mattison, M. Moritz, R. Negrón, BA. Piperata, JG. Snodgrass & R. Zarger. (2022). Teaching Ethnography: The State of the Art. Human Organization, 81(4): 401-412.

Ruth, A., K. Mayfour, T. Sangaramoorthy, BMKJ. Brayboy, M. Beresford, A. Brewis, HR. Bernard, M. Glegziabher, J. Hardin, K. Harper, P. Mahdavi, JG. Snodgrass, C. SturtzSreetharan, A. Wutich. (2022). Teaching Ethnographic Methods for Cultural Anthropology: Current Practices and Needed Innovation. Teaching Anthropology, 11(2):59-72.


Ruth, A., A. Brewis & C. SturtzSreetharan. (2021). Effectiveness of Social Science Research Opportunities: A Study of Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs). Teaching in Higher Education.

Ruth, A. & J. Landers. (2021). Motivators and Influencers on Graduate School Enrollment for First and Continuing-Generation Students. In Paths to the Future of Higher    Education, Eds. Foster, B., S. Graham & J. Donaldson. Information Age Publishing (IAP). (pgs. 135-154).

SturtzSreetharan, C., A. Ruth, A. Wutich, M. Glegziabher, C. Mitchell, HR Bernard & A. Brewis. (2021). Citizen Social Scientists’ Observations on Complex Task Matches Trained Research Assistants Suggesting Lived Experiences are Valuable in Data Collection. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 6(1): 37: 1–15.

Villa, L., A. Ruth, R. Luchmun & E. Cantú. (2021). Increasing Self-efficacy in Mentoring Relationships for Aspiring Entrepreneurs in Community College. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 46(10): 693-711.


Ruth, A., M. Beresford & E. Cantú. (2020). Community and Autonomy: Motivations for Entrepreneurship among Arizona Community College Students. Human Organization, 79(3): 237-246.

Ruth, A., C. SturtzSreetharan, A. Brewis & A. Wutich. (2020). Structural Competency of Pre-Health Students: Can a Single Course Lead to Meaningful Change? Medical Science Educator, 30: 331-337.

Cadenas, G.A., N. Lynn, K. Melo, L. Liu, E. Cantú, A. Ruth, S. Carroll, S. Kulp & T. Spence. (2020). Racial/Ethnic Minority Community College Students’ Critical Consciousness and Social Cognitive Career Outcomes. The Career Development Quarterly, 68(4): 302-317. 
Cadenas, G., N. Lynn, E. Cantú, T. Spence & A. Ruth. (2020). A Programmatic Intervention to Promote Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy, Critical Behavior, and Technology Readiness among Underrepresented College Students. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 116 (Part A):103350.


Ruth, A., A. Wutich & A. Brewis. (2019). A Model for Scaling Undergraduate Research Experiences: The Global Ethnohydrology Study. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 37(1): 25-34.

Ruth, A., J. Hackman, A. Brewis, T. Spence, R. Luchmun, J. Velez & T.G. Ganesh. (2019). Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) in High Schools: Subtle but Potentially Important Student Gains Detected from Human-Centered Design Curriculum. Education Sciences, 9(35): 1-17.

Cadenas, G., E. Cantú, T. Spence & A. Ruth. (2018). Integrating Critical Consciousness and Technology in Entrepreneurship Career Development with Diverse Community College Students. Journal of Career Development, 47(2): 162-176.

Ruth, A. (2018). Attaining the College Dream: The Effects of Politics on the Social Capital of First-Generation Undocumented Immigrant Students. Human Organization, 77(1): 22-31.

Ruth, A., A. Brewis, D. Blasco & A. Wutich. (2018). Long-term Benefits of Short Term Research-Integrated Study Abroad. Journal of Studies in International Education, 23(2): 265-280.

Ruth, A., J. Hackman, T. Spence, J. Velez, H. Parker & T.G. Ganesh. (2018). Board 130: Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) High: Culturally Responsive Programming and Learning Outcomes for Underrepresented Students in Arizona. (Work in Progress, Diversity). American Society for Engineering Education Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah.


Ruth, A., A. Wutich & A. Brewis. (2016). The Global Ethnohydrology Study: Integrating Global Health Undergraduates in Collaborative Research. Practicing Anthropology, October: 34(4): 16-18.