The CHELab is dedicated to research and student training in rigorous, cutting-edge social research methods to innovate and advance research at the intersection of culture, health, environmental and linguistic research.
Up to 40 in-person and online undergraduates join the lab each semester as research apprentices, gaining data management, analysis and collaborative skills. Many more work with us in the field with us or in our practicum courses learning about social science by direct involvement in our active research projects.
CHELab Leadership

The core CHELab leadership team have themselves collaborated intensely and productively for many years (from left to right - linguistic anthropologist Cindi SturtzSreetharan, educational anthropologist Alissa Ruth, biocultural/biological anthropologist Alexandra Brewis, and cultural anthropologist Amber Wutich) producing more than a dozen books and several hundred research articles published together and with their students. They embrace team-collaboration, work efficiently, hold each other to the highest standards, innovate approaches constantly, and value what everyone brings to the table.
CHELab welcomes scholars, postdocs, and students from any field to get involved in any of ongoing projects, and office and lab space is available for sabbatical visitors. Contact any of the core faculty to find out more.