Intergenerational Dynamics Among Mexican Immigrants
This multi-year, multi-faceted research project is examining various legal, economic, political, social and familial dimensions of today’s Mexican immigrants who have lived a majority of their lives in the United States.
Project Details
DACA Return Travelers Project
This study is investigating how Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients and their families negotiate various aspects of legality gained through DACA. Through in-depth interviews with DACA recipients and their parents, we are studying how identity, personal/familial wellbeing, intergenerational decision-making, transnational family relations and solidarity are shaped through the temporary reprieve from deportation and right to work that DACA provides.
Mexican Return Migration Project
This project seeks to understand how Mexican immigrants who have lived a majority of their lives in the U.S. decide to return to Mexico. With the use of ethnographic methods, this study is investigating how their decisions to return are influenced by various economic, personal, social, familial and legal dimensions of their lives on both sides of the border.
Research Team
- Emir Estrada, ASU
- Alissa Ruth, ASU
This research project is currently open to funding opportunities. For more information, please reach out to the project contact listed above.
Estrada, E. & A. Ruth. (2021). “My Mom Is an Attorney?”: DACA Recipients Travel to Mexico and Gain an Experiential Frame of Reference. Qualitative Sociology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11133-021-09481-4
Ruth, A. & E. Estrada. (2019). DACAmented Homecomings: A Brief Return to Mexico and the Reshaping of Bounded Solidarity among Mixed-Status Latinx Families. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences. May 43(2): 145-165
Ruth, A., E. Estrada, S. Martinez-Fuentes & A. Vazquez-Ramos. (2019). Soy de aqui, Soy de alla: DACAmented Homecomings and Implications for Identity and Belonging. Latino Studies. Fall 17(3): 304-322. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41276-019-00197-9