Cibola Prehistory Project
This research represents an effort to use information from a number of survey and excavation projects in the Cibola (Zuni) area to understand both the long term place-based stability of the Zuni culture, and also the dramatic transformations in the subsistence and settlement systems, primarily between about AD 500 and AD 1400. These research results have been integrated into the comparative project of the ASU Southwest archaeologists, the Long Term Vulnerability and Transformation Project.
Project Details
The project compiles and uses information resources associated with projects in the Cibola (Zuni) area directed or overseen by Keith Kintigh, Arizona State University, plus the Cibola Archaeological Research Project directed by Patty Jo Watson, Steve LeBlanc, and Charles Redman (in which Kintigh participated). It includes data and documentation from the NSF-funded CARP project (the Cibola Archaeological Research Project) and five projects conduced by the ASU Summer Archaeological Field School: EMVPP (El Morro Valley Prehistory Project) , HARP (Heshotauthla Archaeological Research Project), OBAP (the Ojo Bonito Archaeological Research Project, RCAP (Rudd Creek Archaeology Project) , and ULCPP (Upper Little Colorado Prehistory Project).
Current efforts are devoted to synthesizing and publishing, and making accessible, the enormous amount of data collected by these projects including the recording of more than 1100 sites in systematic surveys of approximately 100 square kilometers, analysis of about 13,000 collections including more than 280,000 individiually recorded ceramics and 64000 invdividually recorded faunal elements. Most of this data is already available on tDAR at core.tdar.org/collection/6995/cibola-prehistory-project-collection.
Partners: Washington University, St Louis
Research Team
- Keith Kintigh, ASU
- Matthew Peeples, ASU
- Andrew Duff, ASU
- Suzanne Eckert, ASU
- Donna Glowacki, ASU
- Todd Howell, ASU
- Deborah Huntley, ASU
- Sarah Oas, ASU
- Gregson Schachner, ASU
- Tammy Stone, ASU
National Science Foundation (numerous grants, funding completed) ASU Summer Archaeological Field School
Data and other information available at: core.tdar.org/collection/6995/cibola-prehistory-project-collection.
Peeples, Matthew A, Gregson Schachner, and Keith W. Kintigh
2017 The Cibola/Zuni Region. In The Oxford Handbook of Southwest Archaeology, edited by Barbara J. Mills and Severin Fowles, pp 445-460. Oxford University Press, Oxford. DOI:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199978427.013.23
And many, many other articles.
Duff, Andrew
2002 Western Pueblo Identities. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
Howell, Todd, and Tammy Stone (eds)
1994 Exploring Social, Political, amd Economic Organization in the Zuni Region. Arizona State University Anthropological Research papers 46.
Huntley,Deborah L.
2008 Ancestral Zuni Glaze-Decorated Pottery: Viewing Pueblo IV Regional Organization through Ceramic Production and Exchange.: Anthropological Papers of the University of Arizona 72, 2008, $17.95
Kintigh, Keith W.
1985 Settlement, Subsistence, and Society in Late Zuni Prehistory. Anthropological Papers of the University of Arizona 44. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. (x & 132pp.)
Peeples, Matthew
2018 Connected Communities. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
Schachner, Gregson
2012 Population Circulation and Transformation in Ancient Zuni Communities. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.